Bhakti is important because with devotion, one becomes a devotee of the one devoted to you.
The two ones create a Sun-like horizontal light force to materialize the horizontal light of life.
The horizontal light is the foundation for the growth when one is alive. Its consciousness
within the three ones forms the primordial consciousness, adhyatma, offered to the one without
devotion in the form of a three-soul entity, Traita. Traita is the essential essence of the cellular
triploidy within the three ones.
The four ones reform the triploidy as the centromere. The centromere is the one without
devotion, the fourth one. The centromere furthers the growth of the one within devotion. The
mood (bhava) is the fifth one, the one within devotion. With time-varying growth, the mood
becomes conscious of the one with devotion. The consciousness is the one with devotion.
The conscious apparatus of the cell forms a cell.
A cell is the seventh one, the one within devoted. It is the copy of the eighth one, a sentient
entity (siddha), the one without devoted, with the energy of the ninth one. The ninth one is the
primordial self, the one with devoted. A sentient entity is known as Shiva. The primordial
self is known as Parvati. The tenth one is the whole (sara), known as Maha Durga.
Maha Durga is the codon, the three-base sequence, that entangles the eleventh one—the
person—with the causation for the diverse forms of time. Oneness with the whole is the
mantra for the absolute freedom from the time-dependency and the absolute realization of the

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Categories: Questions / Published On: May 29th, 2022 /