Sanatana dharma means a religion that leads to the ageless dimension
of life by illuminating the responsibilities of an impassioned devotee.
An impassioned devotee is like a king who has the freedom to decide
one’s beliefs. A king’s practice of freedom should not make the joy of
practice cyclical. Joy is always cyclical, shaped by the wheel-like cycle
of joy. It cycles between the temporary joy (Nirvana) and the
permanent joy (Moksha).

The wheel of joy is variously known as the Akasha chakra, Vrishapati
chakra; Saptanadi chakra, Svana chakra, Mriga chakra, Samaya
bhedoparacana chakra, Nadi chakra, and Ahibala chakra in Hindi, and
Wheel of ether; Wheel of Production, Etheric cycle, and Serotonin-
melatonin production cycle in English. One feels lost after realizing
moksha as one believes that was the desirable goal and therefore
begins a path of extroversion seeking a param guru while hibernating
oneself without the physical body to illuminate the right goal. Similarly,
one feels lost after realizing nirvana as one believes that was the
hibernating guru’s desired goal and becomes disillusioned with the
guru. Thus, one begins the path of introversion to be that param guru
through moksha.

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Categories: Questions / Published On: December 12th, 2021 /